Dr David Unwin
Distinguished GP
Dr David Unwin is an internationally renowned family doctor at the Norwood NHS Surgery in Southport near Liverpool, UK, for using a carbohydrate-reduction approach with his patients with prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
For the past few years, David has been a UK Royal College of General Practitioners expert clinical advisor on diabetes. As a result of his interests in both better communication with patients and Type 2 diabetes he was made Royal College of General Practice National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes in 2015. In 2016 he was the proud UK National winner of the NHS Innovator of The Year Award for published research into lifestyle changes; working with patients’ personal health goals as an alternative to drug therapy in type 2 diabetes –so that his GP practice spends £68,000 per year less than expected on drugs for diabetes. Dr Unwin is an advisor on Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project; he will be speaking on his general practice work at this hui.
Dr Jen Unwin
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Jen Unwin is a clinical psychologist specialising in food addiction. Jen is the author of the book, Fork in the Road: A hopeful Guide to Food Freedom. which helps you identify carbohydrate addiction, find motivation for change, create a healthy daily plan, adopt strategies for long-term success, and connect with more information and support. Jen will bring a unique perspective to the table, offering invaluable insights into the concepts of behaviour change and the psychological aspects surrounding our relationship with food and carbohydrates.

Associate Professor Caryn Zinn
Dietitian, AUT Co-director of SPRINZ, HRC Reversing T2D research project lead
AUT Associate Professor Caryn Zinn, nutrition academic and Registered Dietitian is the lead investigator for the HRC funded three year implementation science research project aiming at changing the way healthcare is delivered to people with prediabetes and T2D in primary care in NZ. She will present at the hui on the project progress and outcomes. Dr Zinn’s research and clinical practice focuses on the application of whole food carbohydrate reduction in the context of metabolic health. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Metabolic Health and the co-author of the best-selling book What The Fat?
Professor Grant Schofield
AUT Professor of Public Health and Director of the Human Potential Centre, PREKURE Chief Science Officer
Professor Grant Schofield, Professor of Public Health at AUT and Director of the University's Human Potential Centre, is an experienced scholar and forward-thinking leader in the field of health. With an extensive career that spans academia, government advisory roles, co-authoring best-selling books, and his current position as Chief Science Officer for the prevention-focused, social enterprise, PREKURE, he has dedicated his work to combating modern diseases and improving people's quality of life. Prof Schofield is co-leading the HRC-research project on Reversing T2D and will facilitate discussions on the project direction.

Professor Paul Worley
Rural Doctor & Emeritus Professor
Professor Paul Worley, an accomplished rural doctor and Emeritus Professor at Flinders University, Australia, will share insights into his research and contributions to diabetes care within rural Aboriginal communities in Australia. With a rich background, including past presidencies of the Rural Doctors Association of South Australia (SA), a previous Vice President of The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), and consultant to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Professor Worley continues to shape the future of healthcare as a current Council Member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA- SA).
Dr Glen Davies
GP of the Year
Dr Glen Davies is a GP at Reversal NZ, Taupō and is a Board member of the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM), Faculty member of PreKure, and founder of RT2D Taupō. Dr Davies won the PHO Pinnacle Health awarded “programme of the year” in 2019, and was the GP of the year winner in Primary Health Care Awards in 2021. Dr Davies is a named investigator on our Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project.

Dr Lily Fraser
Clinical Director & GP
Dr Lily Fraser is the Clinical Director and GP at two clinics, Turuki Healthcare in Auckland where she is the Clinical Lead for the Māngere Locality, as well as Te Kāika, a kaupapa Māori organisation in Dunedin. She is a Royal NZ College of GPs Fellow (RNZCGPF) and has a Diploma in Child Health. She won the GP of the year runner-up in the Primary Health Care Awards, in 2021. Dr Fraser is a named investigator on our Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project.
Dr Marcus Hawkins
Dr Marcus Hawkins is a solo GP at Botany Doctor Medical Practice, Auckland; and a Royal NZ College of GPs Fellow (RNZCGPF). His GP clinic was awarded the top performing practice (Gold) at the East Health Trust Clinic Excellence Awards in 2014 and he was the winner of the Best Practice Procare Quality Awards in 2011. He is a Board member of the East Health PHO Clinical Advisory Board. Dr Hawkins is a named investigator on our Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project.

Dr Olivia Currie
Lifestyle Medicine & Family Doctor
Dr Olivia Currie is a lifestyle medicine and family doctor at RealHealthy Me, and Health and Sport Central in Canterbury. She is a Royal NZ College of GPs Fellow (RNZCGPF), and has a Post Graduate Diploma in Child Health and General Practice. Dr Currie is the Clinical Lead for the Lead Programme at Pegasus Health and a Senior Clinical Lecturer with the Department of General Practice at the University of Otago. Dr Currie is a named investigator on our Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project
Dr Catherine Crofts
Senior Lecturer, Co-Director & Pharmacist
Dr Catherine Crofts[CZ1] is an AUT Senior Lecturer, and is the Co-Director of the BioDesign Lab (AUT), and a NZ Registered Pharmacist. Dr Crofts is an Emerging researcher in the field of hyperinsulinaemia and autonomic dysfunction with a focus on early diagnosis and management using lifestyle strategies. Dr Crofts is a named investigator on our Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NZ HRC research project.